A rich young man (Nikos Kourkoulos), who is the son of an aristocratic family, falls in love with an orphan girl (Kakia Analyti). His family does not approve of their affair, but he insists and manage...
Despoina (Martha Karagianni) gets a job with an advertising company. When her boss hires a street-urchin (Stavros Paravas), Despoina grows to like him, and the two end up falling in love and getting m...
This is the adaptation of Nikos Chatziapostolou’s operetta by the same name. It takes us back to the old Athens of 1920, where we watch the comical erotic adventures of an “apache”. It was pres...
Jeugdfilm naar het gelijknamige boek van M. Brusse over een Rotterdams schoffie, dat via een meelevende pastoor in een opvoedingstehuis te Brabant belandt.
How many children are there in Naples? 30,000, 50,000 or 100,000? It is impossible to make an approximation. Children of every type: poor, rich, alone, in families, at school, on the street, at ...